Discuss the SplashBase & get support


Postby Carl-SolderSplash » Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:46 pm

My PC can't see the SplashBase listed in the SplashBase Application

  • Are the LEDs next to the network socket lit?
  • Check the SplashBase Date/Time is correct, this shows that it is connected to the internet and hence your network
  • Use ipconfig to get it's IP (via the USB serial) and ping it via the cmd line, this again shows if it's on the network and if your computer can reach it
  • Allow the application through your firewall. Works fine for the windows firewall. ZoneAlarm however will refuse to allow broadcast UDP traffic and will need to be disabled for now

My Relay SolderBridge is not working

  • The Relays require 12v DC so you must supply the SplashBase with 12v via its DC input jack
  • Ensure it is fitted correctedly, with the terminal blocks facing the board edge, Stacking headers IO1 to IO1 & IO2 to IO2

Does your SplashBase firmware use an operating system?

Nope, just a simple 10ms system tick that services each module

Which UDP Ports do you use for communication

UDP Message should be sent to UDP Port 11028, Unicast or broadcast
SplashBase will send replies back to the originators IP port 11029 if required
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