Mac OSX Mavericks on a Macbook Pro Retina
Known good USB cable
WiFi DipCortex ( red board )
- loaded up ... tchenSink/ into the mbed editor
- selected the WiFi DipCortex as the target board
- compiled and downloaded the resulting binary
- pushed button, connected WiFi DipCortex
- deleted firmware.bin from the mounted device ( rm /Volumes/CRP\ DISABLD/firmware.bin )
- copied compiled firmware in using "dd" ( dd if=WiFiDip-KitchenSink_LPC1347.bin of=/Volumes/CRP\ DISABLD/firmware.bin conv=notrunc )
- disconnected the WiFi DipCortex, and plugged it back into the computer
When connected, no usbCDC device is detected. OSX Mavericks reports that an unknown USB device has been attached.
The precompiled version on the soldersplash website DOES WORK.
However, attempting to compile the example code on mbed, changing the SSID and passkey in the example, fails. Also, the CC3000 and other libraries in the example seem to have fallen out of date.