When reset, windows usb serial driver unloads

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When reset, windows usb serial driver unloads

Postby gbeardall » Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:10 pm

On Windows, when I reset the dipcortex the usb serial driver unloads causing my initial debug printfs to be lost until the driver reloads.
Is there anyway on the dipcortex to detect when the usb serial driver has reloaded so I can wait before outputting my printfs?
Or, is there a way to prevent the driver from unloading?
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Re: When reset, windows usb serial driver unloads

Postby Carl-SolderSplash » Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:48 pm

Perhaps the best way is to write the code to wait for a character before it begins executing so that you don't miss any of your printf statements.

you can do that by using getc() function with mbed.

like this : pc.getc();

Or alternatively using the serial uart peripheral (Bypassing the on chip USB) with an external serial to USB adapter, FTDI make a lot of these.
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