Hello SoldeSplash,
It seems like we got a little foward-step about connection bettwen Mac and SplashBase Board.
1) USB connection
We understood that this is the way to connect to the SplashBoard. - - We misunderstood that LAN cable was the only way to access to the SPlashBoard...this was wrong... Now we have installed the USB driver from FTTDI web site...to the Mac..
However we have still struggling to connect to the SplashBase board about serial connection settings...please give us advice as following information..
1 Port--OK--- = /dev/tty.usbserial-DB003T09
2 Band Rate (Speed) -- OK -- = 115200
3 Date Bit --- 8 or 7 ??
4 Parity --- None? Even? or Odd?
5 Stopbit --- 1?
6 Flow Controls ---CTS ? DTR?
7 Others!!
We are very beginner with system like SplashBase board. Please give us advice how to connect to the SplashBase board through USB cable. Here are images...
- #1 Serial Port Settings
- 2.png (124.17 KiB) Viewed 126536 times
- #2 Terminal Settings
- 1.png (125.2 KiB) Viewed 126536 times
- #3 Other Settings....
- 3.png (133.52 KiB) Viewed 126536 times
Best Regards!!
We also ensure that our Mac has Intrel iCore5 which should be x64 for choosing a correct USB driver in FTDI site...