Here is a list of the terminal commands :
Display menu of available commands
- Code: Select all
Get IP Config of the connection
- Code: Select all
MAC : 08-00-28-57-38-C2
IP :
Gateway :
Subnet :
List all IP's of cached hostnames
- Code: Select all
>ipconfig dns - IP - Seconds old 175
Flush the DNS cache
- Code: Select all
>ipconfig flush
Set CC3000 module to dynamic IP using DHCP
- Code: Select all
>ipconfig dynamic
Set manual IP address - IP, Gateway, Subnet, DNS
- Code: Select all
Connect to a previous access point saved in the CC3000's eeprom
- Code: Select all
Connect to a new access point - access point name, encryption type, password
- Code: Select all
>connect myacccesspoint 3 letmein
0 = Unsecured, 1 = WEP, 2=WPA and 3 = WPA2, note this example doesn't like AP names or keys with spaces
- Code: Select all
Query the module status, this reports the firmware revision and internal CC3000 status. Version 1.24 is the latest TI firmware revision
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Asking for current Wifi status
HCI Event Received : 0x0009 - Status Req
Wifi Status Returned : Connected
HCI Event Received : 0x0207
Version : 1.24
Resolve a hostname to an IP using built in CC3000 function and DNS cache
- Code: Select all
resolve a hostname manually bypassing CC3000
- Code: Select all
>resolve now
Get current cached time and date
- Code: Select all
Update time and date from the internet using NTP
- Code: Select all
>time update
Get the uptime of the module
- Code: Select all
>time update
HTTP, these functions are very rough and non compliant to HTML specs, but provide a demonstration of opening a TCP port and sending/receiving data
http get
- Code: Select all
>http get
http set api key
- Code: Select all
http api API_KEY_HERE
http put example, sends dummy data to the supplied URL with the API key
- Code: Select all
>http put /v2/feeds/FEEDNO.csv
Read the two GPIO ports of the processor
- Code: Select all
CC3000 start smart connect, this allows you to configure the accesspoint connection details with an iOS or android device
- Code: Select all
>cc3000 smart
CC3000 set connection policy manually- use the values 0 or 1 only - connect to open AP, connect to last AP, connect to stored AP
- Code: Select all
>cc3000 policy 0 0 1
CC3000 mdns (Note TI mdns functionality seems a bit buggy currently) - 1=enable 0=disable
- Code: Select all
>cc3000 mdns 1
CC3000 re-initalise - mode 0/1 0 is normal mode and 1 is patching mode
- Code: Select all
>cc3000 init 0
CC3000 delete stored profiles
- Code: Select all
>cc3000 delete