Option 1 :
Update the firmware from a PC over the network using LM Flash Programmer, a tool from TI.
- 1. Download and Install LM Flash, Open LM Flash
2. Change Interface to "Ethernet"
3. MAC address to 02-01-01-01-01-01
4. Select the correct ethernet adapater to match the network your splashbase is on
5. Type in a client IP that is in the same network as your selected adapter in to the "client ip" box
- 6. Switch to the program tab
7. Select the new firmware.bin file
8. Click program, the application will now wait for the SplashBase in boot loader mode.
9. To get a SplashBase in to boot loader mode, plug it in to your network, hold the boot button and tap the reset while holding the boot button.
10. Once found it will flash and reboot it
Option 2 :
Use an ARM JTag to reflash the processor using code composer studio.
Instructions coming soon - Hint download CCS5 from TI