USB Driver & Serial Commands
Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:35 pm
The SplashBase has 2 methods of control. Ethernet and USB, USB when connected to a Windows/Mac/Linux appears as a CDC - Com port (/dev/ttyUSBx in *nix) and is achieved using an on board serial to USB bridge.
To use the USB port you will need a driver, which you can find on the FTDI website
For windows I use putty as the client. Select serial, type the COM port number in to the "serial line" box and change the speed to 115200
This is a list of the following commands that can be issued to the SplashBase via the com port. You can see this list on your SplashBase by sending the "help" or "?" command.
The banner will only appear the first time the SplashBase is booted. It will show the version number, date of compilation and your assigned Name.
To use the USB port you will need a driver, which you can find on the FTDI website
For windows I use putty as the client. Select serial, type the COM port number in to the "serial line" box and change the speed to 115200
This is a list of the following commands that can be issued to the SplashBase via the com port. You can see this list on your SplashBase by sending the "help" or "?" command.
The banner will only appear the first time the SplashBase is booted. It will show the version number, date of compilation and your assigned Name.
- Code: Select all
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SolderSplash Labs - SplashBase V0.7 - Mar 18 2013 22:18:02 - SplashBase
help : Display list of commands
? : Display list of commands
config : <save>/<factorydefault> save or factory default settings
setname : name - Set SplashBase name
ipconfig : <dynamic>/<static> <ip> <mask> <gateway> Show/Set Network Config
cosm : <setkey>/<sethost>/<seturi> COSM/HTTP Put Control
date : <update>, <offset> <set>, <server> <server hostname> - Display/update date time via NTP, apply offset in minutes offset to the clock
rgb : <mode> <toprgb> <bottomrgb> - Mode 0-4, colours 32bit hex (html format)
reboot : Reboot
uptime : Power up time
relay : <enabled>/<disabled> / optional:<relaynumber> <on/off>
getadcs : return ADC values for each port
servomove : <servo> <position> - 8bit servo number (zero based) and position
bridge : <scan> List Connected SolderBridges
dmxupdate : offset value
gettemp : Retrieve Temperature
gpioinit : <disable>/<enable> / <get>/<set> <portno> <direction>/<port> <mask> <value> get or set port init
gpio : <get>/<set> <portno> <direction>/<port> <mask> <value> get port status or set dir/port value
selftest : Factory Test with test rig
fwupdate : Trigger Firmware Update