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WiFi DipCortex non mbed development

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:48 pm
by donster2k
Hi There,
I'd like to move away from mbed for developing a project on my WiFi DipCortex. LPCXpresso seems like a good alternative (it's free!).

Where is the best place to get libraries for, say, writing to SD cards, etc?


Re: WiFi DipCortex non mbed development

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:52 pm
by Carl-SolderSplash

Yes LPCxpresso is nice and price is right,
Keil does have a better compiler + optimiser, which is needed if for building mbed offline, but if your happy to move away from the mbed c++ HAL then you should be fine with LPCxpresso. Keil is also very very expensive.

As for libraries and examples, is the place to go, LPC open is a collection of HAL layers and examples.

LPCxpresso comes with the CMSIS libraries and examples, you can use the wizard to create a project based on these.

There located here : \lpcxpresso\Examples\NXP\LPC1000\LPC13xx_12bitADC

Re: WiFi DipCortex non mbed development

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:06 pm
by donster2k
Hi Carl,
Cheers for all the info!