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Cant connect to AP or get any response from CC3000

PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 5:47 pm
by ieb
Hi (probably for Carl),
I have a WiFi DipCoretex board which I can't get to connect to an AP running b/g/n network. The AP is used by a range of devices talking b,g and n. It has free clients and IP addresses. It runs WPA. I have tried the ... tchenSink/ (imported today), after changing the SSID and AP key. I have tried the rev1 binary from the product page. I have tried other example programs even the very short "wifi hello world". None report a connection.

I have also tried the the iPhone app from TI which just spins forever giving no indication of anything. The AP doesnt report any new client visible on the net.

Other pins on the board respond normally, programming is rock solid using dd.

The USB CDC driver is a bit flaky as it normally takes a few attempts to get the Host USB to recognise it, I dont think thats relevant since when it appears, its rock solid at 115200. The Host USB (Apple Mac Book Pro 2007) is rock solid with other USB devices.

The board, shipped mid December 2013 is a v1.3 board. (redish in color).

Any ideas, or tests I can do ?

Best Regards

Re: Cant connect to AP or get any response from CC3000

PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 6:18 pm
by Carl-SolderSplash
Have you tried it on any other WiFi Network? We test all of the boards shipped, the test includes connecting it to an access point and completing an operation. Getting the time from an NTP server or posting to a HTTP etc.

TI App doesn't have any feedback when smart configuring a CC3000 it will just spin, when using the Smartconfig app you only need to fill in the password field leaving the key field blank.

Does the module via USB CDC report that smartconfig has been successful? (It does take 30 seconds-ish before the module sees the messages) Occasionally I have seen a module not complete smart config but after a reboot it works.

Re: Cant connect to AP or get any response from CC3000

PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 7:20 pm
by ieb
Good pointer, thanks.

I started an old Linksys WRTG54 running hyperWRTG. It only does B and G no N at all.

The CC3000 will only connect to the AP if the AP is running WPA2 personal with AES.
It wont connect running WPA with AES or TKIP or WPA2 with TKIP.

I don't know (yet) if its the N being supported by the brand new AP or if its because the brand new AP is running WPA.

Is this normal for a CC3000 ?

I am using the standard "WiFi DipCortex / CC3000 Kitchen Sink" referenced in the original post.

Best Regards

Re: Cant connect to AP or get any response from CC3000

PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 7:31 pm
by ieb
It now seems to work on the original new WPA/AES/ b/g/n Access point, configuring via the iPhone app and connecting with hard coded values. I am at a loss as to why, since I thought I had tried everything before posting. Thanks for the help.

Re: Cant connect to AP or get any response from CC3000

PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 7:38 pm
by Carl-SolderSplash

It could be that there's an issue with your hard coded values and its using the smart config values instead, it would have saved the connection settings received via smart config to it's eeprom and will use them if it needs a connection.

You can force it to delete the connection settings/profiles by issuing the "Erase profiles" command wifi._wlan.ioctl_del_profile(255);