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Over the air flashing (of the LPC1347)

PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 2:26 pm
by neurobe
I guess it ain't gonna happen with space on the flash already tight, but has anyone given consideration to this?

Re: Over the air flashing (of the LPC1347)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:40 pm
by Carl-SolderSplash
Hi Bruce,

So far I've gone for packing everything I can in with out optimisation for the demos, the TI stack has a separate build option that strips out some features and requires a much smaller foot print. Also the LPC1347 has built in flash drivers in ROM.
So it may be possible. I've used this chip in other projects and implemented a custom bootloader over serial, NXP detail the ROM drivers in the user manual and have example code.

I would do this with the C version rather than the C++ mbed version though. As far as i know we dont get access to the linker settings with mbed so you couldn't create code that's offset to allow a chained boot loader. Also with mbed's hal layer the foot print would be bigger.

I do want to get a boot loader example up on github that would be the first step, then perhaps once everyone has their wifi dips we can get a few people to collaborate on a network bootloader.

Re: Over the air flashing (of the LPC1347)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:43 pm
by Carl-SolderSplash
As a guide TI say they can get the tiny driver into 6K of flash ... ... er_Support

So I think it's possible. :)