CC3000 Pins

A 40 Pin Dip packaged development board enabling you to create internet connected products

CC3000 Pins

Postby bonitusb » Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:53 pm

PIO1_15 --> CC3000 - Output - Vbat Enable - CC Module powered when high
PIO1_16 <-- CC3000 - Input - IRQ - Raised when CC wants to be talked too
PIO1_19 --> CC3000 - Output - CS - Active low
PIO1_20 --> CC3000 - Output - SPI CLK - 12MHz max for CC3000
PIO1_21 <-- CC3000 - Input - SPI MISO
PIO1_22 --> CC3000 - Output - SPI MOSI

Are these pin strictly meant for CC3000?
Can i use them as I/O pins for my own purpose?
Can the wifi be switched off if i don't want to use this functionality?
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Re: CC3000 Pins

Postby Carl-SolderSplash » Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:21 pm

You can use the pins if your not using the cc3000, The enable Pin obviously is dedicated

If you don't need the CC3000 module on the Wifi Dipcortex, the the DipCortex M3 has the same pinout
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