I'm trying to do some JSON parsing of some results received by my WiFiDIPCortex but there seems to be a distinct lack of usable JSON libraries available for mbed.
I was trying picojson but that gives lots of errors:
- Code: Select all
Error: No space in execution regions with .ANY selector matching vendor.o(.bss__ZNSs9__nullrefE).
Error: No space in execution regions with .ANY selector matching main.cpp.LPC1347.o(.data).
Error: Sections of aggregate size 0x7c bytes could not fit into .ANY selector(s).
However this does compile on LPC1768 mbed boards.
I tried MbedJSONValue which did compile but seems to hang within the library when trying to parse the json string.
In the meantime I'm trying some simple examples to see if I can narrow down where the problem lies.