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Eagle library for 40-pin DipCortex

PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 4:45 pm
by Helmut
is there an Eagle library available for integration of the 40-pin DipCortex M3 into own PCBs?
Thanks for any hint!

Re: Eagle library for 40-pin DipCortex

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:58 pm
by Carl-SolderSplash
Hi Helmut,

The DipCortex uses a standard 40 wide dip package and the pin allocation is on the DipCortex project page.

We shall add making an Eagle lib to our TODO list.


Re: Eagle library for 40-pin DipCortex

PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:49 am
by Helmut
Thank you, Carl!
Please, let me know if the lib is available.

Re: Eagle library for 40-pin DipCortex

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 11:55 pm
by Carl-SolderSplash

I'm still checking it over, but here is an eagle lib with the DipCortex pin out :

Let me know if you spot any inconsistency's


Re: Eagle library for 40-pin DipCortex

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:32 pm
by Helmut

I checked symbol and device and made minor changes:

1. Pin names:
P1: Reset is at P0_0 (not P0_1)
P7: I re-named it to N/C_GND_* and recommended not to connect this pin (see remark below)
P19: is P1_13 (not P1_3)

2. Pin directions:
P7: io instead of pwr (see remark below)
P29: io instead of pas

Remark to pin 7:
It would be nice if P0_1 could be made available at this pin in a later version of DipCortex. This would open up the possibility for ISP initialized by external hardware. Further, if P32 could be decoupled from the internal V+ (e.g. by a diode), ISP would be possible not only via USB but via UART (P25, P26) too.

Another remark concerning power supply:
Soldersplash used the LDO TLV70033. This is specified for input voltages not greater than 5.5 V. An LDO with a larger input-voltage range (e.g. TPS709 or LT1761) together with the above mentioned de-coupling would open up the possibility to connect a battery alternatively or concurrently to the USB power supply.

I am looking forward to buy the first DipCortex!


Re: Eagle library for 40-pin DipCortex

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 10:17 pm
by Carl-SolderSplash
Thanks Helmut,

I have made the changes and updated the github repository. Sorry for the mistakes, I completed it in a bit of a rush, glad you picked up on them so quickly.

PIN 7 is now ground on all DipCortex's, it was N/C on the pre-production run we did, will need to update the DipCortex Diagram.

DipCortex uses a MIC5225-3.3YM5 which has a 2.3v to 16v input range, but the input voltage is tied directly to the processors VBUS line so you are limited by input range on this pin. which typically expects 5V's. Would need to look at the LPC datasheet to check min/max voltages.

The WiFi DipCortex uses a different regulator due to the CC3000 power requirements when transmitting and this has a 6V max input.

For externally powering the Dips from a higher voltage external regulation down to 5v or 3.3v is my current suggestion. It would be nice to allow wide range input if we can find a simple very low component count method of doing it.

We are thinking of making a Lipo baseboard to demonstrate battery powering a Dip, we could add a wide range input to that as well, perhaps.

Shall consider the suggestions once we are ready for the next batch.

Thanks again!